Sunday, September 30, 2007

Grammar in the Classroom

When looking for articles about grammar, I found a lot of articles that were focused on how the parents didn't approve of the teaching methods. I thought that was very interesting because as much as many parents complain about the way they were taught grammar and other areas in school they don't like the idea of their kids being taught in other ways. I guess it scares the parents to not have the "correct" grammar rules being set out for their students in black and white but they have to let the students learn in other ways.
The article says, "Students learn to write best by writing." I think this is really important for all of us to understand because simply having students fill out grammar worksheets probably will not teach them how to combine all of the rules and create a good piece of writing. Of course, students do need to be taught the correct grammar rules but they will be more beneficial to them if they can use it correctly. Students need to be allowed to think for themselves and be able to put it all down on paper. We have to let the students write without attacking them with red pens.


Ashley Vogl said...

I agree with the statements you made about your article, but I also agree with what was brought up in class today about having many problems with teaching grammar and no real solutions. Hopefully as future teachers, we will be able to figure out our own opinions on these issues and give our students the best we can.

ruggermichigan3 said...

As Americans, we teach grammar as a way of weeding out a bunch of people that does include people with disabilities who are smart but can not hold to some the concepts of when writing. I do agree with on the part we need look at this issue for being a such dry and boring topic for everyone. The student with the disability should feel it stick with some the rules grammar and mechanics to more of a success.