Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Express Yourself

Writing is a way to find out who you are. By writing down your thoughts, you get to create yourself, your life, and affect many lives around you. You get to discover who you actually are by putting words down onto paper instead of just keeping it all bunched up inside. Writing makes it real and allows you to really figure out who you are and what you are wanting to do with this information.

"Blank pages as well as the written pages are a testimony to how we live our lives."
-Donald M. Murray
A life without writing is basically a life without understanding who you are. You must write down your thoughts and your experiences to truly see what happened and live through them again.

"Writing, I think, is not apart from living. Writing is a kind of double living. The writer experiences everything twice. Once in reality and once in the mirror which waits always before or behind him."
-Catherine Drinker Bowen
Life with writing and literature, allows you to relive your own life as well as experiencing other people's lives. You would be horribly bored if you just went from day to day with only your own experiences. I think it is really important to look at your life and create and discover it fresh everyday.

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