Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"Computer time"

When I was in high school, we didn't get computer time very often besides the one or two classes I took in that subject area. But my English teacher did provide some computer time when we were researching for a paper coming up. I know my times in the computer lab were not that useful for me because I spent the whole time on AIM or checking my e-mail and talking to my friends around me. Because he wanted to allow us to talk to our neighbors if we needed help, we spent the whole time talking about what we were doing later that night rather than actually getting any research in. I knew I had a computer at home that I would be able to find all of my research with later so I used my school computer time for fun and put off my research until a later day.
Even in my computer classes, we spent the entire time on AIM and I knew my friend sat in my seat before me so we always left notes for each other on the computer. I did not use my computer time the way the teachers planned.

Technology and Education

I can't imagine living without the technology we have today. I know we take it for granted because even a few years ago we didn't have access to computers and internet available like it is today. I go crazy when my internet is down and I think everything is going wrong in the world.

Technology is really helpful in the classroom for some of the obvious reasons such as showing a video clip to the class to give them a better understanding of what you are teaching them or an easier way for teachers to keep an organized file of their student's records. It is also helpful for teachers when they have a student that has horrible handwriting; my friend from high school had to type everything he turned in because the teachers could never read his writing.

While technology is a very useful tool, it can also distract students and it can not work like you plan. Technology does not always work with you and that can change your lesson drastically so it is important to always plan for the worst and be prepared to finish your lesson without the technology in case it doesn't work out.