Monday, November 5, 2007

Why do stars shine?

Why do stars shine? Some will say that stars are our ancestors watching over us at night and others think they are fireflies that got stuck in the air. But I think stars are the moon's diamonds. The moon is extremely rich. He used to be very greedy and wanted to keep all of his diamonds to himself. One day he fell in love with a woman on Earth and wanted to share his beautiful diamonds with her. He threw them down towards the earth but he realized that they weren't getting to the earth and his love so he threw more and more.
After throwing all of his diamonds into the air around him he was very disappointed that he still couldn't give them to his love and he started to cry. As he cried the tears reflected the sun's light onto the diamonds and made them shine magnificently. The moon then saw his love look up at them and smile. He knew then that his diamonds would make her happy just the way they are.

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