Monday, October 22, 2007

Reading Don't Fix No Chevys

As an older sister that constantly got beat up by my little brother, I can think of many times that I would rather have been a boy so I could beat him up. Although he was smaller than I was until the past few years (now he's 6'3''), he was always much stronger than I was. He is really good at sports and that is something that I have always been jealous of. He is the athletic one of the family and my parents have always loved watching him play baseball, golf, basketball, and even bowling. Scott is a very talented athlete and since I never was able to play sports well I was jealous of him. There are many pictures of my dad trying to teach me how to hit a baseball or golf ball and my brother in the background looking extremely annoyed, and honestly my dad did too.
Since then I have accepted being the weakling and the not athletic one that I am and love watching my brother pitch in his baseball games and love playing golf with him.

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