Monday, October 29, 2007

Marian's Voice

Marian's voice
opened hearts when minds were closed.
Marian's voice
went beyond the stars and the moon.
Marian's voice
is so loud,
it broke down the walls of Injustice.
Marian's voice
was beautiful,
and captured thousands outside her own world.
Marian's voice
overcame the color of her skin,
broke the bonds of prejudice.
and will be heard by many, for years to come.
Marian's voice inspired,
inspired a nation to change,
and became her weapon.
Marian's voice
moved crowds to a thoughtful silence,
and broke through the barrier of racism.
Marian's voice
is smooth like twilight,
made the whole world take notice,
moved men and countries alike.
Marian's voice LIVES ON!

By: English 479 Class

Picture book---

When Marian Sang
Written by Pam Munoz Ryan and Pictures by Brian Selznick

Monday, October 22, 2007

Reading Don't Fix No Chevys

As an older sister that constantly got beat up by my little brother, I can think of many times that I would rather have been a boy so I could beat him up. Although he was smaller than I was until the past few years (now he's 6'3''), he was always much stronger than I was. He is really good at sports and that is something that I have always been jealous of. He is the athletic one of the family and my parents have always loved watching him play baseball, golf, basketball, and even bowling. Scott is a very talented athlete and since I never was able to play sports well I was jealous of him. There are many pictures of my dad trying to teach me how to hit a baseball or golf ball and my brother in the background looking extremely annoyed, and honestly my dad did too.
Since then I have accepted being the weakling and the not athletic one that I am and love watching my brother pitch in his baseball games and love playing golf with him.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Multi-Genre Papers

Multi-genre papers are so cool. I think they are a great way to get students excited about writing and helps them learn a lot as well. This chapter was really interesting because it talks about how people are afraid that students won't learn everything that they are "supposed" to without writing the traditional research paper. But students will still need to research and learn to write a well put together paper. This allows creativity and differences between everyone's own particular writing. I also thought it was really interesting that they brought in the issue of plagiarism and I really think this could help avoid that issue. If we can get students excited about their own creative writing, they won't be as willing to go and find something off of the internet.
I think this is a really interesting topic and would really like to bring Multi-Genre projects into my classroom!